Since childhood, I’ve often heard the quote, ‘If you want to change the world, change yourself.‘ However, it wasn’t until recently that I truly grasped its meaning. It felt like a sudden realization, a light bulb moment!

In this newfound understanding, I came to realize that transforming ourselves alters the very essence of our being. By doing so, we attract a reality that mirrors our inner vibrations. Consequently, when we encounter aspects of the world that we dislike, it serves as a reflection of our internal state. Hence, changing ourselves inevitably reshapes our experiences, effectively transforming our world. For instance, a world submerged in sadness and fear cannot coexist with the joy, humor, and trust embodied within us.

Moreover, this realization uncovered another dimension of change. As we evolve, we shift into different realities that exist concurrently in the present moment. Just like various channels on television or YouTube, countless possibilities exist simultaneously. However, our focus determines our current reality. Thus, to manifest a world filled with love, joy, abundance, prosperity, and harmony, we must concentrate on fostering these experiences. This doesn’t mean ignoring existing issues but rather directing our attention towards what we aspire to create, thereby accelerating our journey towards a brighter future.

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