Structure of a QHHT session

Be prepared for a full day of relaxation and lots of fun!!!

A QHHT session lasts 5-7 hours, or as long as needed, and is divided into three phases.

The first part of the session will be 2-3 hours but can easily go beyond that.

The session will start by talking about the main reason/s for your visit, followed by the discussion of any physical aliments or discomforts you may have. Then we will talk about your life in detail, everything from your childhood to the present day.

By knowing your story in detail, Prakriti will be able to ask the right question when you are deep in hypnosis. Asking the right question is important to get the healing you are open to and finding answers to your questions.

After thoroughly discussing your life, you’ll be asked to comfortably lie down to begin the hypnosis session. This involves guiding you to visualize simple images, which helps induce a deep theta state in your brain, similar to the state you enter when you go to sleep each night.

The hypnosis session typically lasts around 2 hours and will be recorded. The audio recording allows you to revisit the experience at your convenience. It’s highly recommended that you listen to the recording regularly. Each time you listen, you’ll experience more healing and gain insights into your life situations. Ultimately, the recording serves as a valuable tool for connecting with your higher self as and when needed.

The Hypnosis session is very very easy. Just follow these four simple tips by Suzanne Sponner:

  • Whenever you are asked a question, always always TRUST and share the very first thing that comes to your mind
  • Whenever you are told a story, picture and imagine everything in as much detail as you can
  • When you are asked to see or feel something, see and feel it in as much detail as you can
  • Talk, Talk, and Talk and give me as much description as possible 

After the hypnosis session is complete, we will discuss what you saw and your overall experience, which typically takes around 30 minutes to an hour.